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Humpback Whales

The Humpback Whale is quite spectacular undergoing the longest migration of any mammal (5176miles/8334km one way), attracting females by singing to them and of course their energetic nature. On many occasions humpbacks have been seen breaching, tail slapping, fin slapping, blowing bubbles and spy hopping just to mention a few. The humpback is also one of the larger whales we encounter on our whale watching tours.

Minke Whales

The Minke Whale is the most common whale around Iceland and actually the world thus it is one of the main species we encounter on our whale watching tours. It is one of few species that don’t mind coming to shallower waters like here in Faxaflói Bay to feed on the abundant food available to them. Iceland is one of the best locations to see Minke Whales and to see them feeding on the small schooling fish with usually hundreds of thousands of seabirds is one of those must see experiences. The younger individuals tend to be very curious too and come and investigate the boats. Unfortunately they have been hunted in Iceland and the bay where we operate since 2003 so if you would like to help stop the whaling in iceland please do not eat the whale meat. Since 2007 we have participated in extensive researches on minke whales in the area that indicate that the whaling can have a dramatic effect on whale watching in the future.

White-Beaked Dolphins

The white-beaked dolphin is the most common dolphin found in the surrounding waters of Iceland and is seen not only in the summer but winter too usually in larger numbers, hundreds sometimes. When feeding they show energetic behaviour such as breaching out of the water and coming down with a big splash and bursts of fast swimming. They also like to ride in the pressure waves made by the boats and look up at passengers as they look down. It is also nice when we get to see them with their young. They are only found in the North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea and Barents Sea so Iceland is one few places where you can see this charismatic species.

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